Unforgettable memories
6 moths and 2 weeks... So many experiences and memories which I have,so many nice people which I had never thought that I could meet them in my life. So many pure souls that helped me to find faith in humanity again. So many friends who I loved and I will love forever and so many unforgettable memories with them,so many funny,sad emotional,lovely,hateful,angry and awesome moments... So many things which will stay in my heart forever.

In may case I knew that this project was not for me. I knew that it was so hard to be in team and deal with people. I don’t even remember how many times I said ‘Okay,I gave up,I am leaving’. But then everytime I found a reason to stay more. In my life always I gave up and escaped from the problems which I could not find any solution. And I started over and over again. But in here, I knew that it is the time to change my character,time to expand my horizon.Time to be strong and stop complaining over and over again...

EVS teaches you how to survive in any situation. It teaches you what your abilities are,what you can do on your own. Shortly it teaches you who you are. Eventually it helps you to find yourself. In your normal life and routine you’ve never known to learn how you are going to react to situations which you’ve never had to face with. Living with ten people at the same home with limited opportunities in small city. Big challenge but not so hard. If you believe in yourself,you can,you will.

Frankly, Craiova is small and cozy city. I am from Turkey and at the beginning I was so bored. My Romanian friend – who visited Turkey before and had an idea about my country- told me ‘yeah for you it is boring because everyday you dont have to watch chaos on news like exploaded boms,dead people,natural disasters etc. Now I see that he was right..But you should know in everywhere trouble may find you. But for me Romania is a safe country.

It is not important where you are and which opportunities you have but the people who you are with. They make your life better, home means when you are surrounded by people who can make you happy. Craiova was like my home which I’ve never had before.

If you want to do an evs,just do it.Like Yoda said ‘Do or do not, there is no try.’ If you want to change your life ,especially yourself, just change it. You have this opportunity so use it. I did, I came,learned and now I am leaving. I am so happy and sad at the same time. I am happy because I had a chance to gain these experiences and meet people who I will love forever. I am sad because I am leaving... But every beautiful thing comes to an end and I want to finish my article with my favourite band’s song. It’s ‘The End’ by Doors.
This is the end,beautiful friend
This is the end my only friend
The end...