How to have a sexy ass
Having a sexy ass is not an easy task. Above all, if you are 14 or 15 years old and you study in a public school in a city in southern Romania, like Craiova, for example. Within the healthy habits that every Romanian teenager must learn we can find a very explicit infographic where we are exposed to a series of steps and exercises to tone our buttocks. If you're not satisfied with just having your ass in place, you can enlarge it and turn each buttock into a perfect ball, Kim Kardashian style, whose anatomy has been the work of nature (according to her surgical vision of life).

Through this series of images you can see not only a beautiful and round butt, but also a much smaller underwear, that is, if you want to have a sexy ass: it must be big (even if it does not keep symmetry with the rest of your body) and use a thong to display your attributes.
We must remember that this guide is found inside a classroom for teenagers of 15 years old, not inside a clothes store or a gym. We must remember that these young creatures are in the process of self-construction of their identity, of acceptance of their bodies, of the process of becoming adults and of maturity. Society invades them constantly on idealized bodies and a concept of "beauty" far from reality.
And if you do not have a sexy ass, you stop being sexy? Can you not be liked by anyone just being what you are? Should the school promote other types of behaviors? Something like Love yourself natural, without makeup! Love your body! Love your mind! Cultivate your spirit! As teachers, should we not promote the autonomy of our students? Foster freedom, work, intellectual effort? The development of social skills? The Belief in yourself and your abilities?
Perhaps it is not very objective to speak from my perspective (because I have a sexy ass!), I am South American with wide hips and quite curves, I am an exotic element in Romanian lands ... but I am a woman, philosopher, teacher and anarchist, among other things. Therefore, I can not remain silent before such a poster, as if it was something of good taste or part of the "good manner" that we try to explain from our association of volunteers.
To all my beautiful students I just want to tell you that the most important thing is to be original, creative and cheerful, when you're happy with yourself you do not need anything else, and that makes us "sexy".