Unforgettable memories
6 moths and 2 weeks... So many experiences and memories which I have,so many nice people which I had never thought that I could meet them...

An exotic element in Romania
This opportunity came at the precise moment of my life when I needed a change of air and new adventures to live. I still remember last...

Human Is Like a Bird
First of all, I must say that I had such a special and unforgettable experience that it would be selfish not to share my learning. I was...

6 months, 186 days, 4464 hours, 267840 minutes
6 months. Still can’t believe that this time passed so fast when I can remember very well my first day in Craiova. I guess my time here...

Did i say goodbye?
In the very first article where I needed to describe my first impressions of Craiova, I mentioned that I always take too long thinking...

I'm going to tell this story.
Usually, when I start to tell a story, it’s not easy for me to be precise and short, which constitutes a big problem when I have to make...

How to have a sexy ass
Having a sexy ass is not an easy task. Above all, if you are 14 or 15 years old and you study in a public school in a city in southern...

A beautiful day...
Something that I told myself when I knew that I was about to live in a new country is that I should go to a museum, at least one! And...

Hot tea and umbrella chocolate
Weekend, rainy day, hot tea next to the window and chocolate in huge quantities that your roommate left with a letter beside them...

Does Romanian people enjoy reading?
The Kromatikon team questioned themselves: “Does Romanian like to read?” and started a quest to achieve their answer. We were able to...