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What does kindness mean?
Тhis was one of the topics we chose for the first lessons, considering the fact that is something familiar to the students and easier to disscus, which helps us to cross the barrier of getting to know each other. Тhrough an interactive way, we asnwered a lot of questions like "What does it mean to be kind?" "Have you ever questioned yourself Am i a kind person?" "Or are people kind with me?". We presented facts and statistics about kindness and also made a simulation of situations where is shown kind and unkind behavior. Being kind can only bring us happiness - is the conclusion we came to in the end.

Human Rights
For this class, we wanted to discuss a serious topic but through a fun and creative exercise where everyone would be involved. So, with this in mind, we divided the students in small groups and asked them to imagine a new country. For this new country they would be responsible to create a name, flag and three fundamental rights. The results where very broad and reflected our views of what we consider fundamental and what we take for granted. In the end, everyone got to know more about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

What is bullying?
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.
In this class we shared our stories regardless if we were the person being bullied or the bully. We discussed about how those experiences changed us and made us the people we are today.

Gender Equality
For this class we made a small dynamic, in which, we divided the class into five groups and gave an image to each group. The students had to represent the meaning of the image related to the inequality of salaries between men and women, the image of strength of men boxing, a man cleaning, the vintage image of a woman from the 50's , and finally, a man and a woman building a wall together. After the representations, the students gave their opinions on this subject and we reflected on different types of sexual orientations, the participation of women in politics, the importance of the distribution of tasks in the home, among others.

In this class, we asked our students about who they are, how would they introduce themselves to someone that is a complete stranger? So they worte letters to strangers from a different school where they worote kind comments and brief introductions about themselves. Later, we made draw each others face so they could see how others perceive them. It's important for students to know more about themselves and even more important, how they can improve themselves to be at their best everyday.

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