I love rainy days
Hello! My name is Mariela Díaz. I was born in Viña del Mar, Chile... yes, Chile, in SouthAmerica, next to Argentina, no México or África... a lot of people looks at me with a mixture of rarity and curiosity, I guess I got used to being exotic! All my life has been between moving, I have lived in five different cities, two different continents (América and Europe), more than twenty houses ... why Romania?

I needed a change in my life. Two years ago I returned to Pamplona (Spain) to my parents' house, I did not have work or possibilities to continue studying and I always wanted a volunteer experience before 30.
I arrived Craiova on July 2nd at night. Next day it was raining a lot, it always rains when I travel. I've been here for 17 days and it's been raining for 8 days ... I love rainy days.
My first impressions about Craiova were good, I thought I would reach a poor place, like Colombia or Morocco, but it was not. Obviously, the country is just modernizing and there is still a lot to do as improving public transport and garbage collection.
Let's start by pointing out the good things the city offers, like the opera. At the moment, I have only attended an event in the Parcul Nicolau Romanescu totally free, outdoors, with the participation of more than 50 people among musicians, choirs, dancers, soprano, tenor, contraalto ... I love to encourage music, That is an inclusive spectacle to which everyone has access, and that the audience goes and replete the theater, for an artist that is very rewarding, nourishes the soul.

I love parks and historical buildings, and prices to eat outside home, maybe a menu costs 4.5 or 5€! That is fantastic!