When in Craiova
"You never get a second chance to make a first impression"! I think that Craiova took this very seriously and gave its best to leave the best impresion ever!
I am only five days here (maybe i should have wait few days more to write this article) but i already feel like i have so much to say!

So, let's start. If you have read my introduction part in this page, you already know that i am from Macedonia and that's not so far from Romania. It took me 10 hours to come from my home (in Macedonia) to my new home (in Craiova). I traveled by car, through Bulgaria. I didin't have wild and weird expiriences during my journey (deep regrets about that), but it was nice to sit by the window, thinking about the new challenges that are waiting for you while looking at the full moon on the sky.
I arrived in Craiova on Saturday morning. There was one girl sitting on the stairs in front of the house. To be honest, she didin't look so friendly that day.

Un/fortunatelly, that girl is my roommate now... J I went inside, met the other volunteers who were already one week in Romania. We had a little talk about the rooms and other stuff about the house, they went out and i went to rest in my room.
But, my brain was like: "Wait Aleksandra, you really think that you are going to sleep now?" And then i started to overthink. It was my first time knowing that i will be out of my country for so long, far way from my family and friends, first time living with roommates, first time taking care about the washing machine (one of the biggest challenges for me), first time to say Good morning in another language. A lot of firsts. But it was also the first time living in the same house with people from Turkey, Portugal, Estonia and Chile. First opportunity to have first hand informations about their culture and first time to give them opportunity to learn something about yours. And I kinda like that… Okay, i know i should stop writing about my feelings now and tell you about the other stuff.
So, the greatest thing about our house is that it's so close to the Nicolae Romanescu park. I love that place! I think that everyone in this city thinks the same! You know that feeling when you can be alone with your thoughts while you are surrounded with hundreds of people. That’s exactly what Romanescu park gives you. And the people, I have to say they are surprisingly kind and wiling to help you.
Related to the project , we started to organize our activities this week and judging by the beginning I have very high expectations! We had an opportunity to met some of the volunteers from another projects and we agreed to help each other about organizing part.
Well, usually when i write i spent the half of the time thinking about the introductory part, but now my thoughts are focused on the ending part. I hope that you have already created an image about this city and the life in here. If you don’t, check our gallery :)