Why Craiova?
I arrived Craiova two weeks ago and the time really flies here. It has been such a really great experience so far!
The trip itself didn’t start the best way because I had I lot of delays on transports and other problems but guess it was just one unlucky way to start a wonderful trip to Romania. The city of Craiova is not too big but maybe that’s why you always feel cozy here, at home. The streets are really beautiful and filled with snow and with a diversity of interesting old buildings. The temperature is really low (was 40 degrees of difference from my hometown) but nothing we can’t get used to.
Currently, I am living with an italian, a turkish and a russian which is a great opportunity to learn about three new cultures, learn new languages and try international food. The nightlife is also pretty cool and there are always free people to hang out with.
We started to plan our project and take notes of some ideas. We created the facebook page, instagram and website. Trying to get more and more poeple interes on the project. We had our first meeting at a British-Romanian school to meet the children to who we are going to promote reading and teach good manners. The great advantadge of this school is the English environment you can feel around. The kids also seem motivated to learn English and also to teach us some Romanian.
Also we had our first language Romanian class which is amazing to understand more about the culture and feel more integrated on the city.